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Friday, April 22, 2011

IT TheSoftware - January 2011 Joomla Template

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We at IceTheme always try to put ourselves in your own shoes, so as you can see from the IT TheSoftware Joomla Template, all the necessary elements and tools that you may need most for your future website are always there and exactly on the place you would like them.

We use this methodology to build sophisticated Joomla Templates while on the other hand maintaining a simple and clean interface so your users may not be lost in your website but rather complete their goals.

With the IT TheSoftware your future website will immediately change its "face", giving your first-time visitors the professional feeling, which also they will perceive it for your business as well.

Also taking advantage from 6 template styles, the provided Photoshop files and our first-class support you, the website owner will have the job more than easy to built a top-notch, custom looking website, and then pass on your next project without making your hands dirty with the job that we have alrady done for you.

Module Positions

This Joomla! template supports a wide variety of module positions and variations which can be archived automatically by the system. The template has been structured with an amazing set of 34 module positions allowing the template to have extreme versatility and flexibility. The modules are fully collapsible mean that if there are no modules published in particular area, this module position will disappear.

Also you can have 3-Columns layout (content and left and right), 2-Columns layout (content and left or right), 1-Column layout (only content). The width for the left and right columns can be seted through the Template Manger in J! Administrator. There you can set also the background and border for the left and right columns.

TheSoftware Full Package (44.15 MB)



View the original article here

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