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Monday, May 9, 2011

Kleeja 1.0.0RC6

Kleeja 1.0.0RC61. Multilingual:
The script allows you to change the language from Admin Panel easily...
2. MultiStyles:
The script's easy-to-use template system allows newbies and pros to manage templates easily
3. User-friendly interface with multiple file fields:
The admin can choose the number of file fields which will appear to the user in a very elegant way ... the script interface is also very user-friendly.
4. Security:
The script has a user sessions system and the Admin user can also sign out from the Admin Panel and act as a normal user...
5. Extensions:
The script has an advanced extensions management system, The Admin can also control the file size for every single extension for users and guests...
6. User system:
The script has a user and a guest system, and the Admin can disable the user system from the Admin Panel
7. Limited upload space:
You can limit your upload space and the upload center will close automatically with a simple message when it reachs the limit
8. Automatic file deletion:
You can set the script to automatically delete the files which are inactive for a specific period you choose...
9. Want to use google statistics?
You can simply add the "Google Statistics" code in the script settings without having to edit the script files..
10. Forums user integration:
You can integrate your current (phpbb, mysmartbb,vbulltin) forum users with your upload center easily...
11. Watermark:
The Admin can enable the Watermark option, so that the site logo will appear on the uploaded images...
12. Image Thumbnails:
The Admin can also enable this option from the Admin Panel so that the users will be given thumbnail links for the uploaded images...
13. Report abuse system:
The user can report abusing files from a simple page without even having to enter the abusing file URL... All the reports will be sent to the Admin Panel with a simple report management system and the Admin can also reply to it ...
14. Advanced contact system:
The users can contact the Admin and the messages will be sent to the Admin Panel , with the Admin reply ability...
15. Cache system:
This script uses cache so that the pages would load faster...
16. Registration control:
The Admin can choose to open or close new user registration at any time with ease...
17. Closing the upload center:
The Admin can choose to open or close the upload center with a custom message.
18. UTF8:
The script uses UTF8 encoding
19. Who's online:
The Admin can enable the 'Who's online' option in a elegant way with separation between users and guests...
20. Wait x second:
For controling the waiting period for users to be able to download...
21. Single or Mass banning system:
The Admin can ban users using a simplified banning system...
22. Multiple admins:
Yes, you can add more than one Admin user from the Admin Panel ...
23. Backup system:
With a button click you can select the table you want to backup and download...
24. Total repair system:
Deletes cache, Re-checks counters and repairs tables...
25. Changing file name in two methods:
You can automatically change the uploaded file's name by the "time" function, the "MD5 encryption" function or you can choose not to use any...
26. Uploading from URLs:
Yes, the Admin can enable it from the Admin Panel, although this option is in development...
27. Admin home page:
The Admin home page is the starter page for the Admin where statistics and usage details are listed...
28. Terms of service:
The user can't upload before agreeing to the terms, which you can easily edit...
29. File deletion URL:
because we care about the privacy of our users, a URL will be given to users after a successful uploading process which the users can use for deleting the uploaded files...
30. Spam protection:
spam protection is available on "report abuse" and "contact" templates...

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ephoto 4.7 wordpress gallery theme for photographer April 2011

ephoto 4.7 wordpress gallery theme for photographer April 2011

Ephoto wordpress themes for photographer @nthemes_net, wordpress photography themes, WordPress Themes designed for Photo Galleries, Portfolio And Photo Gallery,

Package Developer Full File PSD, Photoshop CS3+.



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Earn Now 100$ a day Google Adsense

Earn Now 100$ a day Google AdsenseThis report is my Step by Step guide that I use to make 3K a month using AdSense.The best part is it can be done with absolutely NO INVESTMENT! Sure you could invest in domains, or hosting if you wanted but if you don’t have the money, that is ok because you don’t need to!You see the most common problems people have when trying to make money online are:2. No clue where to get startedI figured why not come up with a treasure map to help folks reach their income goals if they put in the work! I’m talking a step by step guide for you to your success!!

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Google Hacking for Penetration Testers Volume 2

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Youmagazine - News Joomla Template

????: Youmagazine
????: YouJoomla
????: More Info
????: Live Demo

April Joomla template Youmagazine is perfect solution for you new joomla news portal. Youmagazine is built on strong Joomla template framework and designed for content and news presentation. Template demo comes with set of our custom joomla extensions and 2 new club addons. Youmagazine News Slider and YJ Accordion newsflash. The modules structure is designed to help you utilize space on your website and present your news items with stylish Mootools animation. This template and template demo are built for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6.

YJSG Module Positions

YJSimpleGrid Framework comes with 53 build in module positions . Adding new module grids is a very simple process and within few seconds you can adjust the layout to your own liking. Each module positon is completely collapsible either by disableing module in module manager or by setting module size to 0 in template manager. Mainbody grid is completely flexible and can swithc sides by simply adjusting default mainbody layout in template manager. Logo width and height can also be adjusted in template manager or completely disabled.

YouMagazine Joomla Template features

100% Tableless design
CSS Valid
JS Valid
508 Valid
SEO features build in
YjSimpleGrid powered
53 collapsible module positions
PSD files included
Joomla 1.5 template
Joomla 1.6 template
CSS dropdown menu
SMooth dropdown menu
SMooth Dropline
CSS Dropline
Split menu
3 CSS styles
Flexible frontpage layout
Native RTL Support
Server side Compression
Demo Starter
Extra Typography styles


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Dynamic CSS Templates - Designlab

Dynamic CSS Templates - Designlab| Dynamic CSS Templates - Designlab | Web Blog |
Valid XHTML/CSS | Tableless | PSD files Included |

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YooTheme Expo 5.5.5 for WordPress – RETAIL

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Elegant Themes ElegantEstate v 2.1

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Friday, May 6, 2011

How to Take Great Photos Rockable Press

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Nice Banners Collection

Nice Banners Collection » Nulled Scripts download for webmasters, joomla templates Processing. Please wait... Set as Homepage|Add to Favorites LoginUser:Password (Lost password?):Register   DataLife Engine - Softnews Media Group Home Register Contact Us Rules Home Gategories Nulled Scripts Webmasters Templates SEO tools Register Advertising with us Our services Menu Contact us Advanced Search Last News Mobile version Site Stats Privacy Policy RSS   vivaprograms » Webmasters » Nice Banners Collection Nice Banners Collection Author: makarov2205 ?? Today, 12:31 012345 (Votes #: 0)

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High Tech Brochure Tri-Fold – GraphicRiver

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C++ How to Program (7th Edition)

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Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network, Revised Edition [SYNGRESS]

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Elegant Themes eStore v 1.8

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Themeforest ChilliBox Premium HTML template

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GhostCPA 1.2.1

GhostCPA 1.2.1Did you know GhostCPA let's you iframe a CPA offer, AND capture the email address of that user, or even forward them to a second CPA offer?iFraming CPA offers is probably one of the best kept secrets in the affiliate marketing world. iFraming CPA offers lets you take that boring default landing page for your CPA offer that everyone else is using, and turning it into a high converting, money making machine. iFraming is by far the best way for affiliate marketers to literally sky-rocket their earnings overnight. Not only does GhostCPA allow you to make money iframing CPA offers, it now allows you the ability to save every single email address a user submits on your page. This allows you to make money off that visitor over and over again by emailing them offer after offer.Stop wasting time trying to make money the hard way, start using GhostCPA to!GhostCPA offers everything you need to iframe CPA offers, whether you are a complete newbie, or a super affiliate. GhostCPA allows you to do whatever you want with the referrer, effectively hiding your traffic sources from nosey affiliate networks.A new feature added to GhostCPA is the ability to capture email addresses of your users at the same time you get the commission from them filling out your offer. They say an email address is worth around $30 per year, so even if you collected a measly 5,000 email address, you would net an extra $150,000 PER YEAR not counting your affiliate commissions!GhostCPA also allows for iFrame rotation, a tool that allows you to split test different offers from different network. Everyone knows not all offers convert at the same rate, let GhostCPA help you find out which one will make the most money!GhostCPA also will let you redirect a user to the URL of your choice when they submit your offer. You can forward them to any website of your choosing, or even a second CPA offer doubling your earnings!Have you not tried iframing in the past because of the learning curve?In the past iFraming has been reserved for the "Super Affiliates" because of the steep learning curve. GhostCPA literally changes all of that because it literally writes every single line of code for you!You could spend literally days just trying to craft together a basic iframe rotation script that works properly. Say you want to use some new iframes in that rotator, well then you have to start over from scratch. iFraming CPA offers by hand is a pain, and we know this, which is why we have so many satisfied customers. GhostCPA saves people literally hundreds of hours every single day.Even if you know how to code an iframe, do you really want to spend 3 hours iframing 5 offers when you can do it visually with GhostCPA in under 5 minutes? We don't want to either, which is why GhostCPA was created. GhostCPA saves us around 8 hours per day. Imagine what you could do with an extra 8 hours a day.

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YooTheme Planet v5.5.5 for WordPress – RETAIL

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Dynamic XHTML Corporate - Corporateteam

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Dynamic XHTML Corporate � Freshdesign

Dynamic XHTML Corporate ? Freshdesign| Dynamic XHTML Corporate ? Freshdesign | Web Blog |
Valid XHTML/CSS | Tableless | PSD files Included |

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Beginning Joomla! 2nd edition (Expert’s Voice in Open Source)

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HttpWatch Professional v7.1.37

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YooTheme Vox v5.5.5 for WordPress – RETAIL

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Dynamic CSS Templates - Greenfog

          930 Php Nulled Scripts, [Themeforest] Shoppica OpenCart Premium Theme, adult video script nulled, alexa hitup Increase rank, Article Spinner, Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML, Biverr, Breakout Traffic, Clone, design3edge, eStore 2.3 Best Wordpress Shopping Cart Theme April 2011, Fiverr, forms, FreeDown V3, IBP 11.7.9 - Internet Business Promoter, IE Inspector HTTP Analyzer Full Edition, impact popup webmaster, Joomla, kwolla socials network, login form, Modified, My Meta Search Engine, Nulled, nulled dating script, Nulled scripts, Online FlashBanner creation, premium theme, Pulse CMS Pro english gernan, Rurl Script (url shortner), SEO, SEO stats script v.2, set, Simplified), stylish, Templates, text exchange nulled, vBulletin Forum v4.1.2 nulled, Vivvo v4.5.2 Build 6083 Professional PHP.NULL-FS, YooTheme Explorer v5.5.4 for Wordpress, YooTheme Intro v5.5.5 for Wordpress - RETAIL

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML: Modern Guide and Reference

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Kwolla 1.1.1 Your Social Network

Installed - Tested - Works great

The Kwolla social network software helps you quickly and easily build your own online community.

Customizing your own social network is a snap with Kwolla. Start with Kwolla's beautiful default theme, and through a few quick changes, customize it perfectly for your network.

The heart of your Kwolla Social Network is the Activity Feed. Whenever a member performs an action on your network, it is reflected in their and their friends Activity Feed. This powerful module lets friends easily stay up to date with each other.

You must register before you can view this text.You must register before you can view this text.

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Classipress Developer Edition with PSDs

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Nebulae - May 2011 Joomla Template

????: Nebulae
????: RocketTheme
????: More Info
????: Live Demo

Nebulae, the May 2011 release, combines visual sophistication with functionality and power. The template offers a range of unique and stunning style variations, with distinct colour schemes complimenting their detailed and beautiful background counterparts.

The theme supports integrated styling for numerous RocketTheme Extensions, adapting to whichever style variation or module suffix you seek to use, in addition to a brand new, fresh and refined typography set. The Gantry Framework forms the core of the template with the standard and advanced features that accompany it.

NOTICE: Nebulae is a Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 Template

Module Positions

There are 68 module positions. If no module is published to a position, it will not appear, collapsing the entire area.


Joomla 1.5/1.6 versions
Gantry Framework
8 Preset Styles
RocketTheme Extensions Styling
New RokStories Layout
New Content Typography
Scrolling Module Positions
Fusion with MegaMenu & Splitmenu
68 Module Positions
22 Module Variations
Javascript Form Styling
FF 4, Safari 4, Opera 10.x, IE7+ Compatible
W3C XHTML 1.0 / CSS Valid

NOTE: Gantry v3.1.13+, 3.2.3+ is required for Nebulae to work correctly. For more details on the Gantry Framework, please visit its Dedicated Website.

RocketTheme Extensions Styling

A selection of our RocketTheme Extensions have been styled to integrate with the template:

RokTabs: A tabbed based content module, with advanced display controls.
RokStories: An advanced content rotator module with multiple layout modes.
RokContentRotator: A vertical tabbed based content rotator module.
RokFeatureTable: A stylistic and highly configurable tabular data displayer.
RokMiniEvents: A horizontal events module, that syncs with Google Calendar or JomSocial.
RokNewsPager: A snippet content previewer, supports accordion and list layout styles.
RokTwittie: A module to display Twitter information, such as tweets into your site.

Fusion with MegaMenu

Fusion is a javascript enhanced CSS dropdown menu system, that is fully crawlable by search engines. Mootools adds transitions and animations to the dropdown, providing a smooth and dynamic interface for the navigational structure. MegaMenu features include a vast assortment, such as multiple columns, grouped child items, dropdown widths and item distribution. These provide for individual control over each specific dropdown menu item or column.

All images sources in the Adobe® Fireworks PNG formatBuy it, download only for learning and testing!

Nebulae Full Package (87.42 MB)


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Nulled Script

Fully Works Just like it self

no md5 coding in password(you may be able to chang it in the php coading, i havent tryed)

to edit the pay to click setting edit the success.php more help email me on here

Download File Now


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Videoline Magazine - SEO optimized

Videoline Magazine - SEO optimizedVideoline is a template based on XHTML that was developed to be a really strong and clever solution for people looking for a nice and professional blog, portfolio or magazine and READY TO USE.

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